Tech Field Day 13!
I am extremely proud to say that I was selected as a delegate for Tech Field Day 13! You may be asking the question “what is Tech Field Day?” Well I’m glad you asked. Tech Field Day is an organization that takes independent IT professionals and IT vendors, puts them in the same room, and lets the good times roll. A delegate gets unprecedented access to a vendor’s executives and engineers. My friend Matt Crepe told me it is like VMworld on steroids. Please check their about us page to get more detail straight from the source.
I became a delegate in a moderately interesting way. I was familiar with the organization and followed past Field Days very closely. I have followed Stephen Foskett on twitter for awhile as well. I reached out to him to talk about how I appreciated Field Day and was interested in participating. He suggested I fill out the delegate form. We then went on to talk about Rogue One and I got on his delicious peanut brittle mailing list. The force was with me when he asked if I could attend in Austin, TX in the end of January/beginning of February.
There are some vendors I am familiar with (Solarwinds, and Veeam) and others I am extremely excited to learn more about (Zerostack, Robin, and Uila). This list is as of 1/3/17 and is subject to change. However, my excitement to get hands on with their products isn’t subject to change.
The best part is that we share their products and represent the greater IT community as a whole. If you have a question for one of the vendors just tweet me @tbgree00 and I’ll make sure to ask it for you.
Taking a page out of Matt’s playbook (two shoutouts!) I will do a preview for as many of the companies as possible, starting with the vendors which I am not familiar. If I get the introductions out of the way before we go I can dig deep in the followups in February.